Infographic Briefing

How many years of work experience do you have in Marketing/Advertising/Communication/Events/Etc?
Our members professional experience outline:
50 %
have 4+ years of professional experience
0 %
have up to 4 years experience
0 %
are/will be looking for a first job
Professional Experience - Top 15 areas our members are experienced in
Digital Marketing 55.3%
Advertising 45.9%
Branding 42.9%
Marketing Strategy 38.7%
Business Marketing 36.8%
Communications 36.5%
Marketing Management 31.2%
Marketing Communications 30.5%
Graphic Design 29.3%
Events 28.6%
Analytics 23.7%
Marketing Research 18.4%
Web Design/UX 18%
PR 9.8%
JN 7.9%

- PR: Public Relations
- JN: Journalism

Soft Skills - Top 15 areas our members are experienced in
Problem-solving 88%
Collaboration 79%
Adaptability 78%
Team Player Attitude 76%
Empathy 73%
Work Ethic 71%
Critical thinking 68%
Creativity 68%
Active Listening 67%
Openness to Feedback 64%
Time Management 63%
Resilience 58%
Leadership  56%
Motivation 55%
Embrace Change 48%
Hard Skills - Top 15 areas our members are experienced in
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access) 58%
Digital Marketing 49%
Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator) 40%
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Google, LinkedIn) 35%
Business analysis 33%
Google Ads 32%
Email marketing 31%
Strategic Planning 30%
Data analysis 28%
Content Marketing 28%
Online Marketing 28%
Marketing Analytics 27%
Sales 25%
Content Strategy 24%
Market Research 24%
Our members professional profile described by themselves
Strategic 62%
Creative 60%
Analytical 53%
Communicative 50%
Managerial 29%
Persuasive 17%
Our members educational outline
Bachelor's Degree 59%
Postgraduate 50%
2/3 years Diploma 26%
Master's Degree 17%
1 year Certificate 13%

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